Adapting to Change: Brandy Inc.’s Strategies for Reputation Management by Rohan Rajan

I’m Rohan Rajan, the founder of Brandy Inc., an Online Reputation Management Agency. Having been in the digital marketing arena since 2001, I’ve seen firsthand how crucial reputation management is for businesses of all sizes. Over the past decade, my team and I have managed crisis and reputation cleanup campaigns for SMEs, corporates, and high-net-worth individuals across North America, the UAE, and the APAC region. Today, I want to share my insights on why it’s essential to care about who talks about your brand and how the human element of reputation management can make or break your business.

Understanding Reputation Management

In my experience, reputation management isn’t just about damage control; it’s about proactive engagement. Traditionally, it was about controlling the narrative through PR. Now, it’s a dynamic process involving real-time interactions and building authentic relationships.

The Power of Word-of-Mouth

Word-of-mouth is a double-edged sword. When someone speaks positively about your brand, it can significantly boost your reputation. Conversely, negative word-of-mouth can be detrimental. I’ve seen cases where a single tweet or review has spiraled into a full-blown crisis. That’s why I believe managing word-of-mouth is an integral part of reputation management.

Who Talks About Your Brand?

Identifying who talks about your brand is the first step. This includes your customers, employees, and influencers. Each group has a unique role. Customers share their experiences, employees can be powerful advocates, and influencers amplify your message. Understanding these roles helps in crafting targeted engagement strategies.

Why You Should Care About What People Say

In my opinion, ignoring what people say about your brand is a costly mistake. Their opinions directly impact sales, customer loyalty, and overall brand image. Positive feedback can lead to increased sales, while negative comments can deter potential customers. Your brand’s credibility hinges on public perception.

Listening to Your Audience

Listening is more than just hearing; it’s about understanding and acting on what’s being said. Tools like Google Alerts, Hootsuite, and Mention are invaluable for monitoring brand mentions. Social listening, in particular, offers insights into public sentiment and helps identify trends.

Engaging with Your Audience

Engagement is where many brands fall short. Responding to feedback, whether positive or negative, shows that you value your audience. I recommend acknowledging positive comments and addressing negative ones constructively. Apologize if necessary, and explain the steps you’re taking to resolve issues. This approach turns potential crises into opportunities.

Building Strong Relationships

Trust and transparency are the bedrock of strong relationships. Be honest about your business practices, admit mistakes, and show genuine effort to rectify them. Long-term relationships are built through consistent, honest communication. Engage regularly with your audience, provide valuable content, and offer exceptional customer service.

Leveraging Positive Feedback

Amplifying positive feedback can significantly boost your reputation. Share testimonials on your website and social media. Encourage satisfied customers to share their experiences. Incentives like discounts or loyalty points can motivate them to leave reviews. User-generated content, such as photos and reviews, can be particularly effective in building credibility.

Handling Negative Feedback

Negative feedback, while often seen as a setback, can be a goldmine for improvement. I’ve learned that addressing complaints promptly and constructively can turn a dissatisfied customer into a loyal advocate. Use criticism to identify areas needing improvement and implement changes. This not only improves your brand but also shows that you value customer input.

The Role of Employees in Reputation Management

Employees are often the unsung heroes of reputation management. Encourage them to be brand advocates by sharing their positive experiences. Provide training on effective communication and how to handle customer interactions. A well-informed and engaged team can significantly enhance your brand’s image.

The Influence of Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool that can make or break your brand’s reputation. It allows for real-time engagement and broader reach, but negative comments can spread quickly. I recommend regularly posting engaging content, responding to comments, and monitoring brand mentions. Tools like Sprout Social and Brandwatch can help manage your social media presence effectively.

Measuring Your Reputation Management Efforts

It’s essential to track the effectiveness of your reputation management efforts. Key metrics include sentiment analysis, customer satisfaction scores, and the volume of brand mentions. Tools like NPS surveys and Brandwatch provide valuable insights into your brand’s reputation and customer feedback.

Adapting to Changes

The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and staying ahead of trends and consumer expectations is crucial. Flexibility and innovation are key. Regularly review your strategies and be willing to adapt. Continuously seek ways to improve and innovate to maintain a positive brand reputation.


In conclusion, caring about who talks about your brand is vital for building and maintaining a positive reputation. It’s about more than just managing your image; it’s about fostering genuine relationships with your audience. By listening, engaging, and learning from your audience, you can create a strong, positive reputation that endures.


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